Get High-Quality Leads, not Junks with Your Paid Ads
With our proven strategies that generated 750X ROAS for multiple businesses for the last 6 years
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Till date,
we've grown
want to be the next?
Some of the results we have generated
We've helped 90+ businesses to generate more sales and leads
Generated 6400+ Highly Qualified Leads solely with Google ads
Generated 4000+ Highly Qualified Leads in less than 5 months solely with Meta ads
Generated 2275+ Highly Qualified Leads in less than 4 months solely with Google ads
Generated 1645+ Highly Qualified Leads in less than 2 months solely with Google ads
Generated 6500 Highly Qualified Leads with Rs. 27 lead cost with Google ads
Generated 1000+ Sales solely with Google ads
Generated 999 purchases worth Rs. 10 Lakhs with 9.34 X ROAS in a single campaign.
We spent 1.04 Lakhs and achieved CAC of Rs. 104
Generated 18.64 Lakhs in a single campaign maintaining 10X ROAS.
We spent 1.85 Lakhs in ad spent and achieved a cost per purchase of Rs. 180.
Generated 8x to 11X ROAS for all 5 campaigns for a baby care brand
which generated 409 purchases worth Rs. 7.5 Lakhs
Generated 9 Lakhs with an average of 8X ROAS.
We have generated 6.5X, 7X, and 10X ROAS for 4 campaigns. The overall cost per click was Rs. 4
This D2C Brand was struggling to even break even. After we revamped their website,
did the proper copywriting, and started ads, in the next 45 days we generated 9.36 Lakhs
Generated 4000 highly qualified leads at Rs. 11 per lead cost with Facebook ads
Generated 15,12 and 11 X ROAS with Facebook ads in a single ad account
Generated 15X and 8X ROAS with Facebook ads in a single ad account
Generated Rs. 78000 in Sales in a single day with Facebook ads for a new D2C Brand
this Skincare brand was struggling to generate even 1 Lakh sales in 9 months.
We helped them to generate sales of 37 Lakhs with 3289% growth in sales in less than 5.5 months
Generated RS. 3.72 Lakhs in less than 6 days with Facebook ads
If you are an entrepreneur
and facing any of these....
The cost per purchase is too high to become profitable
Your competitors are getting sales and you are just burning money on ads
You are frustrated with junk and invalid Leads
and wasting your ad budget
Your ads were doing well earlier, now they are not performing
And you have tried multiple things just to waste time and money
Your competitors are crushing and you are barely breaking even
Leads are not converting
you are getting leads but there is no conversion
and you have tried multiple things watching Gurus on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram Reels
just to waste time and money
We can help you with the right strategy to supercharge your sales and leads
no half-baked theoretical knowledge, no dream selling, get actionable insights
Why We Are the Best Growth Partner for You
we will not only run ads or build websites for you, but our team will also brainstorm new ideas with you and mentor your team in operations for better conversion
Exceptional Track Record
of achieving an average 750X+ ROAS for multiple businesses for the last 6 years
Consistently and profitably
with a combined experience of over 32+ years.
We are not college pass-out guys who are here to spend your ad budget to learn
no need to wait for weeks for strategies or changes to be implemented. We help you to grow rapidly
unlike just a weekly meeting our dedicated account manager will be available for you 6 days a week
In the past 1.5 years, we have helped 55+ brands to generate more sales and leads including
and many more
My name is Arnab Gharai
I'm the founder of Perfect Panda
As an entrepreneur, you have certainly realized that Google & Facebook ads have changed.
It's not just pressing some button, starting an ad, and getting sales.
It's much more than that.
Most business owners and even marketers just start an ad and hope for sales without knowing how the sales process works.
Do you know that, in the last 1.5 years 70% of businesses have shut down
only because of unplanned strategies?
You must have tried different strategies watching youtube and LinkedIn just to waste
time and money.
Every business and every ad account is different.
So it's not one strategy fits all.
At Perfect Panda, we emphasize this. We study your business, your products or services, and your audience and craft messages that resonate with your audience.
So we create a tailor-made strategy that is best suited for your business based on facts and data. So it is instead a calculated educated strategy not just random testing.
So we not only help you to save your ad budget but to generate an additional 20-30% more ROI with your ads.
Not only ads we do have all the services which you may need to get most of your ads.
60+ Businesses
We have worked with
The average ROI we have generated
6+ Years
In the Industry
Our Services
to Sky Rocket Your Business
We have all the services to grow your sales and leads
Google Ads
To get quality leads and sales
Lead Generation
Get qualified leads that convert
Facebook Ads
To scale your business profitably
Shopify Website
Design and Revamp
WordPress Website
Design and Revamp
Creating compelling message that sell
Unbiased Reviews from Our Clients
Apala Bardhan
Perfect Panda team has revamped our website and since then we have seen a 300% growth in website traffic. Our website conversion has increased up to 200%
Aritra Bikash Dhar
I took a lead generation service from Perfect Panda. My leads have increased up to 400% and I have seen the best season so far for my gardening business.
Aakash Agarwal
We were making negative ROAS with our ads. In the first weak only the Perfect Panda team took the ROAS to 3.5X. The team is working on the website and branding elements now. Once it is completed we expect more sales and even better ROAS.
How we do it
No fancy words, no jargon, get your business sorted in just 3 simple steps
Get a FREE Strategy Call
where we will understand your business, your product, and your audience and will give you a custom strategy best suited to your budget
90 Day Growth Plan
We will create a detailed roadmap to meet your business goals and start working on it
Our team of experts will work, implement, monitor, and report with complete transparency to track the progress
Here are some case studies
you would love for sure
We generated 1200+ High Quality Leads in less than 45 days with Rs. 40 cost per lead with Google Ads
Generated 6500 high-converting leads with a cost per lead of Rs. 27 with Google ads
We generated 37 Lakhs in less than 5.5 months with 7X ROAS only with Facebook ads
Generated 16 Lakhs in less than 2.5 months with 8.5X ROAS
Scaled this new brand to 12 Lakhs in less than 1.5 months with 7.5 X ROAS
Generated 1000 Sales worth 10 Lakhs with 9.34X ROAS in a single Facebook ads campaign
Generated 11 Lakhs in sales with all prepaid orders with 8.7X ROAS
Scaled up a new D2C brand with a 450% increase in sales with Facebook ads. Achieved 8X ROAS
Meet the team
Arnab Gharai
Paid Ads & Website Expert
Mita Mukherjee
Creative & Graphics Expert
Chanchal Dey
Senior Media Buyer
Shriyog Wable
Senior Copywriter & Media Buyer
Arpit Vishwakarma
Senior Media Buyer
Dipa Mukherjee
Content Strategist
We also have
Easy Payment Options
For your convenience
We accept Bank transfers, UPI, Cards, NEFT, and IMPS whichever is best suited for you
EMI Facility
Coming soon
In case you need we do have EMI facilities for your convenience
Special Rewards
As we go along
we often share exciting goodies and rewards as a token of appreciation and partnership as we grow together
What are the charges ?
As every business is different, it needs different strategies and resources to solve a business problem and meet a goal. So we can tell you the price once we understand more about your business, your challenges and your goal. For that, you can book a free Strategy session now.
How do you work ?
We have a team of experts who takes care of different areas. We will share the strategies and timelines once we start working. Based on the roadmap we will proceed.
How can I take the service ?
Book a FREE Strategy Call, where we will understand your business, your product, your customers, and your challenges. Based on that we will give you a custom strategy, a tentative budget and timeline. If we are a good fit for each other we can start working.